Explore Geoheritage Day

There are lots of ways to participate in Geoheritage Day!  Visit exceptional geological sites in the National Capital Region and all  across Canada, virtually, in person on your own, or you can join us for our annual live event, held each fall in Ottawa/Gatineau.  Or build your own Geoheritage Day event in  your region!

For more information about this year's in-person event in Ottawa, visit the Carleton University Department of Earth Sciences page.

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We have added more sites across Canada so be sure to expand the map and check them out.

Learn more about how geological processes have shaped the local, regional and national landscape, given us a glimpse into past environments and life forms and provided resources for our use. We have enhanced our digital presence so that you will also be able to visit virtually or on your own during the rest of the year, and learn how each site fits into the local geological history.

Please follow local guidelines and regulations, and remember that collecting on NCC properties, National and Provincial Parks and Geoparks is prohibited.

We would love to receive photographs of you visiting the geoheritage sites. We'll post these pictures on our webpage and social media outlets. Please email pictures to: earth.sciences@carleton.ca 

Did you know?

In the last 2 billion years our National Capital has been home to a huge mountain chain, a tropical beach, a habitat for large whales, and buried under 2km of ice…